Tuesday, June 3, 2008

PR Industry The Latest Victim of McClellann Book

CBS News Legal Analyst Andrew Cohen took to the airwaves last Sunday morning and mocked the Public Relations Society of America for condeming former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan, who admitted in his just released book What Happened that he lied to the American people about certain vital policy decisions within the Bush Administration.

In Cohen's 12-paragraph deflection, (read it here), he spews " Apparently, an industry the very essence of which is to try to convince people that a turkey is really an eagle has a rule that condemns lying."

He also says, "Show me a PR person who is "accurate" and "truthful," and I'll show you a PR person who is unemployed."

As a communications professional, and certainly a significant portion of my duties fall under the tradtional definition of Public Relations, I take great umbrage at Mr. Cohen's entire column.

Jeffrey Julin, Chairman & CEO of the Public Relations Society of America, sent a letter to Cohen expressing the organization's outrage at his charicture of our industry.
There are less than honorable people in every field, but it's unfair to paint any industry with such a broad brush - condemming all based on the actions of a small percentage of those feeding at the bottom.
You can be assured the information released from your United Way of Summit County is 'accurate' and 'truthful.'

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