Friday, February 15, 2008

Utilizing the 'New Media'

Marketing folks of a certain age - well, let's say old enough to remember when Michael Jackson was famous for his music - are scrambling to make sure that the latest phenomenon - the New Media - doesn't leave us behind.

United Way of Summit County is hosting a Marketing Summit for our affiliated agencies on Thursday, March 13 from 8 am to 12 noon at the offices of Rubber City Radio group.

One portion of the seminar will focus on the New Media, and we're assembling an impressive panel of authorities including Scott Piepho, one of the region's top journalist/bloggers (read his Pho's Akron Pages) and Todd Bertsch of Triad Communications.

I'm looking forward to putting on this seminar, and also learning much from these experts.

In the mean time, here's a link to the United Way ad that ran during the Super Bowl.

If you go to and put United Way in the search, you get to see some wonderful campaign videos and media coverage from all across the country (and even some from around the world). It's especially nice to see my friends from Lexington, Kentucky (nice job David) and Milwaukee (well done Betsy) represented on YouTube.
By the way, if you search Docs Who Rock on YouTube, you'll find many videos from many of the bands who have participated in our show over the past few years. So, we've got a presence there, too.

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